Delivery Day! |
It's a go time! |
On the afternoon of November 20th, in walks Dr. Silver and tells me he had a proposition. He was leaving town for two weeks and said that if I could wait until he returned, I could pick a day, any day, and he would deliver. Finally. Light at the end of the tunnel. 12/12/12 was going to be the day. It was 3 weeks away and by then I would be 35 weeks and 5 days along. So that was our new goal. I could do this! However, later that evening, I wasn't so sure. I lost it. I called my mom bawling, telling her I couldn't do this. I was breaking down physically AND mentally. She listened, and as usual found some comforting words to settle me down. Told me that we would take one day at a time and that she would go to the store in the morning and bring me some new clothes, (throughout the pregnancy, I out-grew Charlie's, both brother-in-laws, and my dad's clothing; I was so cheap, I wouldn't spend money on prego clothes because the plan was to NEVER be pregnant again!) a Jamba Juice and some lunch from wherever I wanted. In the meantime, and although he won't admit it, I'm positive poor Charlie was just as miserable as I was. One second I was bawling and snapping at him, the next I was motivated to keep these babies growing.
November 21, 2012. Morning comes and Charlie decides to go home to do some laundry and take Lucy on a run. I get up, hobble to the shower, and by noon I'm back in bed, feeling refreshed. Something was different though. The contractions had gone from a few times an hour to a few times every 5 minutes. Still no pain though, or anything else they told me to watch for. When the contractions first started a few weeks back, they took me over to labor and delivery. AGONY TIMES FOUR!!!! I had to lay there for what seemed like forever with five monitors strapped to my tummy (one for each baby and one for contractions). In the end, it was all for nothing (I was dilated to a three but wasn't progressing) but given the circumstances, just had to be sure. So, when these contractions increased, the last thing I wanted to do was tell my nurse because then they'd make me go back over to L/D. Well just then my new good friend Michelle sopped by (her quads are now 10!). She walked in and her jaw dropped. "You look like you're going to burst!" I told her about the change and just as we were discussing the next step, in walks Dr. Clark (the OB on call for the day and let me just say, LOVED HER!). I cave in and describe to her what was going on. She proceeds to check how far I've dilated (ouch!!!) and the first thing out of her mouth when she was done was, "where's dad???" She continued to explain that I was still somewhere around three to four centimeters but the difference now was that she felt a head! So, over to labor and delivery I went (my mom had just arrived and Charlie was high-tailing it back to the hospital). On the monitors went, and sure enough the contractions had dramatically increased (THANKFULLY still no pain though). Two hours later I had moved up another centimeter and it was confirmed. Today was the day we were going to meet our four precious angels!!!!

Out comes baby number one. It's a boy! Andrew Kelley (Andrew is my grandpa's name and Kelley is my mom's maiden name...gotta keep the tradition going!) was 3 lb 13 oz.
One minute later, it's a girl! Addison Charlie (Addison is a name I had picked and I surprised Charlie at the last minute and told him I was giving her his name) was 3 lb 9 oz.
Then comes baby number four, it's a girl! Mikayla Maria (Mikayla was Charlie's girl name and Maria after his mom) was 3 lb 5 oz.
And so, the delivery went perfectly . While sewing me up, Dr. Clark made the comment that my body must have been made for these quads because it was the smoothest multiple birth she had ever delivered! As we expected, everyone was born healthy with no issues. The girls were on oxygen for a few days but quickly followed their brothers and were breathing room air within week one. The NICU has several different 'rooms' their babies are in, room one being for the tiniest little people, on up. They quickly moved from that to the room they would eventually be sent home in.
We are so blessed and feel so fortunate that they were all born so healthy. Thank you for everyone's thoughts, comments and mostly for your prayers. God is so good and we know that without Him this little miracles would not have been possible!
Love it! We are so happy for your miracle family, and that everything went so well. I hope you continue to keep up the blog so we can follow the adventures!
ReplyDeleteWe were so thrilled to hear about the successful delivery and that mom and babies are doing well. Yes, many prayers were said for your family. Kathleen Allison
ReplyDeleteThank you Joanna and Kathleen!!!