Charlie had to work the next day so my mom agreed to stay with me through the night. I quickly learned how NOT easy this was going to be and how much we DIDN'T get this! There was a baby awake THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Just as we'd get done feeding one, another would wake up wanting to eat. Just as we changed one poopy diaper, another would make us a special surprise. Pre-make bottles? Why would I have done that!? It was a disaster. By morning we were EXHAUSTED and I was in tears. What were Charlie and I thinking?! How on earth were we going to get through this?! HELP. I needed help. Michelle. She knows what to do. Michelle is the mom of the 10 year old quads I mentioned a while back that we had become friends with. I call her and she comes to our rescue. "You're just having an anxiety attack, it'll be okay. You will get through this, I promise." She listened and offered some of the best advise I've gotten. "When all else fails, remember this. The babies WILL cry themselves to sleep, but they WILL NOT cry themselves to death." She then tells us she will be coming over twice a week from 9:30pm-4am, giving us two secured nights of uninterrupted sleep.
So, Charlie got home and we quickly setup a plan to get organized. We moved cribs out of our bedroom and officially setup the family room as baby command headquarters. Bottles took over the fridge, as we learned from the night before, making them impromptu was too chaotic.

Through the course of the next few weeks, the support from family and friends was, and remains to be overwhelming. My mom and sisters offered to cover the 10pm-4am "shift" on Tuesdays and Fridays, so with Michelle covering Thursdays and Sundays, that left Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays to us. So, on the nights I cover, we have some lovely ladies from our church that show up from 7am-1pm so I can sleep. On the nights we have help, Charlie relieves them and as he leaves for work at 6am, I take over for the remainder of the day, sometimes having help from 1-4pm, allowing me some free time.
Everyone is still eating every 3 hours and now that we have our routine down, thanks to the help we receive, we can enjoy and look forward to taking care of our munchkins! And such is our new life with the quads.